
Public Adjusters   covering the New York metro area 

When Your Insurance Company Says LESS, Champion Adjustment Says MORE

Public Adjustor Services

Upon being retained, CHAMPION ADJUSTMENT will formulate a game plan with you and…..

1. Notify the insurance company and setup a file;

2. Review and examine your policy, explain all coverages, answer all questions and advise on best plan procedure.

3. A complete and thorough walk thru of property and explain extent of damages.

4. Secure property. i.e.; board-up, tarp, locks & hasps, fencing, winterization, etc.

5. Establish a plan for temporary housing, if needed.

6. Arrange for cash advances.

7. Arrange for a restoration company to mitigate damage. Once these emergency procedures have been performed, we will then start the claims process with our team of experts. i.e.; building engineers, architects, inventory specialists, forensic accountants, attorneys, etc. to make sure you are compensated properly.